Selasa, 06 Oktober 2015

(written 5 may 2015)

In accordance Vision Bengkalis districts contained in the Regional Regulation No. 09 Year 2011 on Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) Year 2011-2015 is the achievement of a superior society prosperous, independent and cautious to realize Bengkalis district as one of the best autonomous regions in Indonesia in 2015.
In an effort to realize the vision, then one of the mission is done is to make the city Bengkalis as Education City which will give birth to children in Riau Nations in various educational institutions both elementary and junior high school education prefetch queue area, superior secondary education Bengkalis boarding school and higher education.
The colleges that have been transformed into a state, Bengkalis State Polytechnic, Polytechnic State Maritime Bengkalis, Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Health, State Community College Bengkalis, State Islamic University, College of Economics Sharia Bengkalis (private).
With many colleges established in Bengkalis, not only the development of science and the creation of community Bengkalis intelligent, qualified, and occurs rapid economic development, but is also expected Bengkalis society capable of competing international arena. This is certainly supported by a good mastery of the English language.
The development of a good education conditions, expected not only to give new nuances to the lives of learners, but also for the community at large Bengkalis.
In this paper, the authors expect the development of the English language communication not only within the school, but also within the community Bengkalis. It is based on several factors, one of which would make the mission Bengkalis, Bengkalis as a tourism city. Which will attract foreign tourists come to Bengkalis, it is expected that the community Bengkalis can interact with foreigners and establish a good relationship for the development of physical development and non-physical Bengkalis district.
The next factor is the geographical location of the island Bengkalis located adjacent to the neighboring countries (Malaysia), which has made English as a second language. Obviously a very close relationship looks much once differences in language acquisition. Although both use the Malay language, but Malaysia has been using English as a second language, it is quite different from the Malay community of Bengkalis that very strange with the English language. Though English is an international language that a lot of benefits especially this era of globalization which is a tool to achieve progress and one of the tools to filter out the bad influence that would fool and harm society Bengkalis.
Next is the Bengkalis waters is divided by the strait melaka directly opposite the island of Bengkalis which is the main international trade traffic, so the potential to provide opportunities for people Bengkalis can communicate with strangers by using the English language in trade and transportation business life so that people do not Bengkalis miss.
Coupled with the establishment of two colleges that have pogram Bengkalis study English language is at the State Islamic University Bengkalis (STAIN) Education courses English (PBI) and the Polytechnic of Bengkalis (POLBENG) to study Business English program (BIB). Both universities would become the center of studies and the development of the English language, so it is expected to be the soul or spirit and referral of students to explore the science of English. The presence of English courses at the two Universities are also expected to be able to print a cadre of professional educators and business people in the English language and provide impact and positive influence on the surrounding environment as a pilot use of English is good.
Now is the age of the digital era, in which many use English. Although Bengkalis as a city that has the highest budget is likely to be left behind by technology and abandoned by the times when people are blind to English. For people who want to develop a career to the international world is more promising than the local conditions, especially as people in rural areas where people actually still have a local mindseat. There is no harm if local people but has the knowledge and international network. And fluent in English is one tool. Although only a tool, but this language has a very vital role for those who want to plunge into the international world. Let alone have the ability (skills) that much but can not communicate in English. Surely it would be very difficult if it will continue a career on an international level. English may be the key to opening for getting there. In modern times, learning English is not negotiable. Not only beneficial for students, but also for the community.
The idea to use English as a language of communication for the people of Bengkalis certainly not easy as to reverse Palm. The need for various preparation and readiness of government and all the parties of supporters. This idea will begin to be realized if Bengkalis City really has revealed its fangs as Education City. However, according to the author, it also needs to be planned carefully in line with planning to make Bengkalis as Education City. Due to successful education course will provide the changes in society and the increasing quality of life. And the realization of the mission of education city can also be seen on the habits and lifestyle of the people, one of them fluent in English.
Regarding this idea, then small changes can be done in schools. Ranging from primary school to university. The new regulations concerning communicate using the English language began to be made. Namely by improving the quality of teachers, improving learning system is still ambiguous, apply discipline and rules to speak English in the school environment, and others.
Environment conducive to speak English is already supposed to be created, as the students to apply the knowledge gained while studying in the classroom. Therefore, all schools and colleges should start to apply strict rules to communicate using English language school or college environment. Because without a regulation and sanctions, discipline is difficult to enforce.
In addition to English language development starts from schools, the community should grow a variety of English language course and communities who speak English consistently. It is expected the approach of the English culture with the community before making a civilized society to speak English. In addition, the college English study program there should be genuine lecturer of English or American. This of course can improve the quality of the English language.
Next is the support of government. Government intervention is needed in this case, ranging from the enforcement system of the English language school, English language scholarships to community environment. Because of the need for dissemination to the public so that people understand.
One example can the government do to introduce the public to the English language is to use a mixture of English language on posters, billboards, pamphlets, etc. that could be seen and read by the public. The posters are not just a poster that contains the campaign for the English language, but also the common good posters that of the police, health, advertising and others should be in addition to using Indonesian, also using the English language. It aims to make people become closer and be familiar with the English language.
The authors emphasize that the author need not expect fully that the English language can be a second language in Bengkalis society, because it is a thing that can not be done easily. But at least, when there was a group of students to communicate with each other using English in the community, be it on the market, on the street, or other public place, is not a taboo and strange to the ears of the people, causing embarrassment and disinclined for the students themselves to use the language he had learned in school. In the end, inhibit the development of language learning happens. Because at this moment, that was the case. English language learners feel embarrassed to speak English in their environment due to ridicule and bad view of people who still think English is very foreign and strange. Therefore, in line with the mission of making Bengkalis as a city of education, then this can be used as a stone spike to introduce the public with the English language and supports fully. ***


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